«Our designs do not follow any trend»

The small manufacturer Geissfuss produces classic, robust leather bags suitable for everyday use. A conversation about the founding motivation, the role models and the production of the bags.

How did the Geissfuss Leatherwork Company come about?
Ralph : My father built kayaks and small sailboats and did upholstery work for other boat owners. I grew up with that. For me, the ship saddlery was the spark for the bag manufacture.

Before founding the manufactory, you both had completely different professions. How did you get into making leather bags?
Patrizia: We have always worked with leather, felt, oilcloth and other archaic materials. Working with leather in particular is simply beautiful. At some point, the time was ripe to turn my hobby into a career.

Why bags?
Ralph: I've been using a shoulder bag myself for thirty years because I find it extremely practical. And in our time, when everything runs on mobile phones and computers and everyday things are made of plastic, it is a privilege for me to be able to use such a piece of real leather.
Patrizia: Bags are indispensable for me. I need them to organize my day. That's probably how it is for most women.

Your bags have an idiosyncratic style. What do you orient yourself towards when designing?

Patrizia: On the one hand based on models from the forties and fifties, on the other hand our own practical experiences are the basis for the design.
Ralph: Our designs don't follow trends. We produce our products for people who have always loved authentic, high-quality and valuable things - or are just rediscovering them.

You mainly work with leather. How do you deal with criticism regarding sustainability?

Ralph: We have been vegetarians for many years. No animal dies because of us. But because of the many other people who still eat meat. As long as these are in the majority, the criticism of leather is unjustified. On the contrary: If you kill the animals, then you should please use them completely. Apart from that, we are open to vegan leather and other new materials.
Patrizia: We practice one of the oldest crafts and are guided by the same sustainable principles that have existed for centuries: durability, high-quality production, careful use of resources and materials.

How long does it take to produce a Geissfuss bag?

Ralph: Our bags are made to order in Switzerland and mostly made by hand. They are unique. Therefore, the production takes between 5 and 10 days.