All about the label Geissfuss

Why Geissfuss?

No, our bags are not made of goatskin, but of vegetable-tanned cowhide. That's not where the name GEISSFUSS comes from. Of course there are numerous other associations with goats, goats and their feet. But the name came about in a completely different way: we got lost on a hike in the mountains above our home and so we consulted the GPS on our cell phones. We found out that the area we were approaching was called Geissfuss. Nothing more than a field name.

At that time we were just planning to become an independent bag maker. It was supposed to be a small but fine bag manufacturer. As we hiked on, we stuck with this name: Geissfuss. Somehow the term harmonized - with us and with what we were planning. Short, powerful, memorable, neither too modern nor too old-fashioned. "It fits," we thought.

When we came back from the hike, we got to work: the Geissfuss logo was born within half a day. And so everything took its course.

commitment to the classics

Our bags are mainly based on classic models from the 1950s. Not because everything was better back then, but because it was a time that produced a lot of beautiful, valuable things. That doesn't mean that we don't follow the colors and shapes of today, but our bags don't follow fashion trends.

Admittedly, we find ourselves again and again that we have a penchant for classical music. There are things that are simply good the way they are. They are timeless, valuable and of an undeniable quality.

The predicate classic is a high bar. We try to live up to this standard. Why? Because it corresponds to the meaning and spirit of GEISSFUSS and because our customers and our work benefit from it.

patience and nerves

We live in difficult times: global corona stress, the war in Ukraine, climate change, the energy crisis, inflation and more and more know-it-alls who want to dictate how we should live and think. You try to protect yourself as best you can from all the negative influences, but you are constantly punished by reality. It's the same for us at GEISSFUSS.

One of these negative consequences is that supply chains are disrupted worldwide. We are also affected by this. For the time being, our suppliers cannot supply us to the usual extent and within the normal times. Everything lasts, everything stings. Of course, our customers also feel this.

We have no choice but to ask for your understanding and patience if it takes longer for an order to reach our customers. We hope it will get better again soon.